websites and blogs with quality articles for a popular audience
Em Hotep: Egypt for the Curious Layperson and the Budding Scholar
The Eloquent Peasant: An Egyptologist's blog about everything ancient Egyptian
The Eloquent Peasant: An Egyptologist's blog about everything ancient Egyptian
listservs for the professional and the layperson
The Egyptologists' Electronic Forum
The Agade listerv (news related to the ancient Near East, Egypt, and Mediterranean): to subscribe please send a blank email to [email protected], and write (as subject and in first line): subscribe agade
The Agade listerv (news related to the ancient Near East, Egypt, and Mediterranean): to subscribe please send a blank email to [email protected], and write (as subject and in first line): subscribe agade
Publications and Ancient egyptian sources online
The EEF guide to Internet resources for ancient Egyptian texts
ABZU: a guide to open access publications relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean world.
ABZU: a guide to open access publications relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean world.
Professionals in Egyptology
A list of bibliographies, CVs, and personal webpages of professional Egyptologists is maintained on the Egyptology Forum website:
PAges with additional resources
Egyptology Resources by Nigel Strudwick